

17 March 2018

Avoidant Personality Disorder (APD)

Hai gais! So today I would like to share with you guys about this one kind of personality. Some people may heard about this, even has this personality, or maybe some people never heard of this thing. And don't even know what this all. Oh before that, I'm not a psychologist but just human. Lol.  So, maybe some of these are based on my opinion and also other references.

Let me tell you a little bit about Avoidant Personality Disorder (APD).

Adakalanya, kita sendiri tak sedar kita ada personaliti lain daripada yang lain. Baiklah, jadi apa itu APD?

Apa itu APD?

APD ialah Avoidant Personality Disorder di mana seseorang mempunyai personaliti untuk mengelakkan dirinya dalam sesuatu situasi. Ringkasnya, lebih kurang begitulah. Selalunya, ia lebih kepada perasaan malu yang ada dalam diri dan juga keyakinan diri yang rendah menyebabkan seseorang itu ingin mengelakkan dirinya dalam situasi tertentu seperti dalam bersosial.

Tak ramai ada personaliti begini, dan selalunya mereka yang mempunyai 'extremely shyness' ataupun 'fear of rejection' boleh memiliki personaliti APD ini.

Definition of APD (PsychologyToday)

Avoidant personality disorder is a psychiatric condition characterized by a lifelong pattern of extreme social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and sensitivity to rejection. People with avoidant personality disorder may avoid work activities or decline job offers because of fears of criticism or disappointment from others. They may be inhibited in social situations as a result of low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. Additionally, they may be preoccupied with their own shortcomings and form relationships with others only if they think they will not be rejected. Loss and rejection are so painful to these individuals that they will choose loneliness rather than risk trying to connect with others.

What are the symptoms?
  • Easily hurt by criticism or disapproval
  • No close friends
  • Reluctance to become involved with people
  • Avoidance of activities or occupations that involve contact with others
  • Shyness in social situations out of fear of doing something wrong
  • Exaggeration of potential difficulties
  • Showing excessive restraint in intimate relationships
  • Feeling socially inept, inferior, or unappealing to other people
  • Unwilling to take risks or try new things because they may prove embarrassing

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Haa, mengaku sikit siapa ada simptom macam ni?? 


Hahaha yes I admit I have some of these symptoms. Well, that's one of the reason I'm writing on this topic today. But not all of that. And yeah, I'm not in that kind of extremely severe personality. Of course even the personality have few types of severity. Normal, mild, moderate, severe, and extremely severe.

I guess I'm mild or moderate. For sure, not extreme. Sebab I still berminat untuk involved kan diri I in activities, spit out things I want to say (sometimes la), involved myself with friends, cuma terkadang tu biasalah malunya mengatasi segala. Hihi.


Jadi, bolehkah APD ini dirawat? Jawapannya, mungkin boleh sekiranya anda sendiri ada usaha untuk bantu diri anda supaya dapat keluar daripada kepompong yang anda duduk selama ini. Antara rawatan yang boleh anda dapatkan adalah mengambil ubat antidepressant untuk mengurangkan rasa sensitif terhadap sesuatu penolakan. Fear of rejection. 

BUT! Make sure bukan sembarangan ubat! Seeloknya dapatkan ubat daripada ahli psychologist yang bertauliah, supaya tak adalah anda tersalah makan ubat atau terlebih dos pengambilan ubat tu ye!

Anda juga boleh mendapatkan khidmat psychotherapy untuk membantu anda. A combination of medication and talk therapy may be more effective than either treatment alone.

People with this disorder may have some ability to relate to others, and this can be improved with treatment. Without treatment,  those with avoidant personality disorder may become resigned to a life of near or total isolation. They may go on to develop a second psychiatric disorder such as substance abuse or a mood disorder such as depression. It is important to get help from a health-care provider or a psychiatrist if shyness or fear of rejection overwhelm one's ability to function in life and form relationships. (PsychologyToday)

Haa, kalau rasa anda ni macam berada dalam golongan yang severe atau extremely severe, ada baiknya anda cepat-cepat dapatkan rawatan, okay? Sebab mungkin personaliti ini akan menyukarkan kehidupan anda di masa akan datang, kerana kebanyakan kerjaya kita semua memerlukan kita untuk berhadapan dan berkomunikasi dengan orang lain.

Dan paling penting juga, sokongan daripada yang tersayang seperti ahli keluarga, suami atau isteri, sahabat dan masyarakat juga memainkan peranan yang penting tau! Semangat dan sokongan itu penting supaya mereka akan tidak terasa keseorangan dalam jalan perubahan mereka.

If you guys want to test if you have this APD, you can check it out on these few online tests (Just click in the link below).




These are just a few. Well, there are many others online test that you can just googling them up and do it!

Oh and to those who have this APD (well that includes me), I hope you can quickly move on from this disorder and be more successful in the future. All the best to you!

Have a happy weekend! 🌸

*source: PsychologyToday

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